The vocabularies and grammar points presented in these C2 ESL lesson plans for advanced English students are brought back accordingly so as to further intensify language covered in earlier lessons. We, therefore, highly recommend you select packages numerically – L.1, L.2, etc.

L. 1 Futuristic Homes


The material presents language in the context of futuristic homes. It engages students with interesting conversations while maximizing their participation and having them use the TL effectively.

  • $7.50

L. 2 Dangerous Selfies


Based on the trending frenzy of dangerous selfies, this lesson plan presents and practices descriptive language that helps depict such situations and emotions that arise. The material is engaging and structured to maximize student talk time.

  • $7.50

L. 3 Life of a Billionaire

Through the discussion of the lifestyle of the rich, language is presented in context and actively used throughout the lesson. Students are given plenty of opportunities to practice speaking and engage in lively discussions.

  • $7.50

L. 4 Life in Poverty

As a follow up from the earlier lesson, this material discusses the opposite lifestyle of the rich: Poverty. Students are presented language to use in order to describe the predicaments of the poor. They practice activating the langue in controlled and less controlled activities.

  • $7.50

L. 5 Humanity better at creating or destroying

Based on this very controversial topic, the material aims to evoke engaging conversations that are further enhanced with the use of new language that increase the expressive abilities of students. Fluency activities discuss humanity’s noteworthy creations and destruction.

  • $7.50

L. 6 Ingenious Art works of the world

The lesson focuses on presenting and practicing language while discussing the extraordinary artworks of the world. This engaging material facilitates high student talk time and ensures the active usage of new language and grammar.

  • $7.50

L. 7 Off the Beaten Track

While discussing astonishing places of the world that are off the beaten track, the material presents language and grammar effectively and secures their active use throughout the lesson. Students remain engaged while making advanced progress.

  • $7.50

L. 8 The World’s Strangest Traditions Part 1

The material covers our world’s strangest cultures that are sure to make anyone cringe. It keeps the lesson interactive while ensuring active learning. Vocabulary and grammar are presented and practiced in this context.

  • $7.50

L. 9 The World’s Strangest Traditions Part 2

This material is a continuation of the previous lesson. It discusses the strange and funny cultures of the world. Language and grammar are presented and practiced in context while facilitating high student talk time.


  • $7.50

L. 10 Extreme Adventures

Various extreme adventures are discussed in this material while introducing new language within context. Students are provided a lot of opportunities to speak freely and engage in exciting topics. The material ensures active learning.


  • $7.50

L.11 Driving Safely

Students will first review language they are familiar with (e.g., tire, side mirror, steering wheel, pedestrian crossing, etc.) Then they
will learn topic-related vocabulary (e.g., blind spot, tailgate, traffic jam, dazzle, etc.) The activities for the controlled and less controlled practice help to reinforce the target language. Students will also do a short reading task and at the end practice their fluency skills by engaging in interesting conversation.


  • $7.50

L. 12 Leisure Time

In this lesson, students will learn new vocabulary, for example, spare time, exhilarating, couch potato, etc.  The topic is interesting and relatable to students. Not only is the material visually attractive, but it also allows students a lot of opportunities to practice the TL.

  • $7.50

L. 13 Running Errands

The topic for this lesson is running errands. It engages students with interesting conversations while maximizing their participation and having them use the TL effectively.

  • $7.50

L. 14 Behavior and Traits

In this lesson, students will learn some advanced vocabulary to describe behavior and traits (e.g., blunt, uptight, petty, etc.) The activities facilitate the active use of the TL in controlled and less controlled activities. In the end, students will practice their fluency skills while engaging in interesting discussions.

  • $7.50

L.15 Work and Motivation

This is another interesting lesson about work. It focuses on what motivates employees to continue working. Students will learn new topic-related vocabulary (e.g., unethical, undeserved, cut corners, etc.) 


  • $7.50


In this lesson, students will learn some expressions and words related to work and practice them. The activities allow students a lot of opportunities to practice the target language, and the discussion questions at the end are structured to strengthen fluency.

  • $7.50

17. Describing people at work

Students will learn new vocabulary that will help them describe their co-workers (e.g., competent, laid-back, drama queen, etc.) The activities for the controlled and less controlled practice help to reinforce the target language. Students will also practice their fluency skills by engaging in interesting conversations.

  • $7.50

18. Good Leadership

This lesson focuses on good leadership. Students will learn vocabulary to describe good leaders and practice the TL actively throughout the lesson. The discussion questions at the end are structured to strengthen fluency.

  • $7.50

19. Bad Leadership

Business English lesson plan about Bad leadership and leaders

This lesson focuses on bad leadership.  Students will learn vocabulary to describe bad leaders/managers and practice the TL actively throughout the lesson; they will also get the chance to revise words from the previous lesson (Good Leadership) inadvertently. This lesson will engage your students who work/have worked before. The discussion questions at the end are structured to strengthen fluency.

  • $7.50

20. Conflict at work

Conflict is a common problem faced at the workplace, therefore, the topic is going to be engaging to adult students. Students will learn some expressions and words related to the topic (e.g., bad blood, have a chip on your shoulder, confrontation, apologetic, etc.) Learners will have a lot of chances to practice their speaking skills. They will work on role-plays, and if time permits have engaging conversations at the end.

  • $7.50

21. Time I

This lesson focuses on teaching students words and expressions related to time (e.g., abrupt, instantaneous, recurring, etc.) The activities for the controlled and less controlled practice help to reinforce the target language. Students will also practice their fluency skills by engaging in interesting conversations.

  • $7.50


This is another lesson about time. Here, students will learn more expressions and words related to time (e.g., on the dot, beforehand, in the meantime, etc.) For the controlled activity, students will work on a gap-fill activity and for the less-controlled activity, they will read a dialogue and work on rearranging words to form correct sentences. For the fluency stage, students will practice their speaking skills by participating in interesting conversations.

  • $7.50

Lesson Plans in Bundles

5 Lesson Plans in 1-Package 1

There are 5 different C2 level lesson plans in this package and they each come with a homework and teacher’s guide. The vocabularies and grammar points covered in these lesson plans are brought back accordingly so as to help your student revise and further practice the language.

  • $25.00

5 Lesson Plans in 1-Package 2

There are 5 different C2 level lesson plans in this package and they each come with a homework and teacher’s guide. The vocabularies and grammar points covered in these lesson plans are brought back accordingly so as to help your student revise and further practice the language.

  • $25.00

If you want something more specific for your students, then schedule a meeting with us and we’ll assemble the ideal package together!

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