Business English Lesson Plans for Online Classes

Welcome to our newly released Business English lessons plans. These ESL materials are specifically created for managers, entrepreneurs, and people with office jobs. The main objective of teaching business English is to strengthen oral and written linguistic skills in a business context and raise awareness of cultural differences in the language in various business cultures.

Even though the lessons are structured to strengthen students’ language skills, they must have a previous firm knowledge of a general English language on which one can build a business English language in particular areas of the profession.

The topics covered in our Business English Lessons are diverse and linked closely to one another: leadership, management, cultural differences, conflicts at work, making business calls, etc. 

You can also have a look at our General English lesson plans. 

L.1 Different Levels of Management and their Functions

Business English lesson plan about different levels of management

In this Business English lesson material, students will learn vocabulary related to different levels of management and the responsibility it entails. Students will get plenty of practice and review preposition words that follow some adjectives.  In the end, students will engage in an interesting conversation with their classmates and teacher.

L. 2 Common Leadership Styles

Business English lesson plan about common leadership style

There are often vast differences in how each leader leads. Leadership styles are classifications of how a person acts while leading a team.  In this lesson, students will define leadership and the different approaches to leadership and learn new vocabulary and practice it.

L. 3 Good Leadership

Business English lesson plan about Good Leadership and leaders

This lesson focuses on good leadership. Students will learn vocabulary to describe good leaders and practice the TL actively throughout the lesson. The discussion questions at the end are structured to strengthen fluency.

L. 4 Bad Leadership

Business English lesson plan about Bad leadership and leaders

This lesson focuses on bad leadership.  Students will learn vocabulary to describe bad leaders/managers and practice the TL actively throughout the lesson; they will also get the chance to revise words from the previous lesson (Good Leadership) inadvertently. This lesson will engage your students who work/have worked before. The discussion questions at the end are structured to strengthen fluency.

L.5. Describing people at work

Students will learn new vocabulary that will help them describe their co-workers (e.g., competent, laid-back, drama queen, etc.) The activities for the controlled and less controlled practice help to reinforce the target language. Students will also practice their fluency skills by engaging in interesting conversations.

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L.6 Conflict at work

Conflict is a common problem faced at the workplace, therefore, the topic is going to be engaging to adult students. Students will learn some expressions and words related to the topic (e.g., bad blood, have a chip on your shoulder, confrontation, apologetic, etc.) Learners will have a lot of chances to practice their speaking skills. They will work on role-plays, and if time permits have engaging conversations at the end.

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L.7 Understanding cultural Differences

Business English Lesson plan about cultural differences in business

This lesson focuses on cultural differences at work.   Student(s) will understand that cultural differences in business exist and matter. They will practice their skimming and scanning skills and learn topic-related vocabulary.
Students will also learn about prefixes and use them in sentences. 

L.8 Leaving a Message

In this Business lesson plan, students will practice taking and leaving business messages on the phone.

In this business lesson plan, students will practice taking and leaving business messages on the phone. They will also review modal verbs for asking questions and making requests.

L.9 Making a Cancellation (giving bad news)

Business English lesson plan about giving bad news

Often in business, things don ‘t go according to plan.  Sales fall, meetings are rescheduled, budgets are cut, orders are canceled, etc.  So, how do we inform our colleagues, suppliers, or customers about bad news?  How should we apologize?  And how should we react when we hear this kind of news. That’s what this Business English lesson plan is all about. Students will practice canceling a huge order over the phone and also see how the receiving end should preferably act. Learn topic-related vocabulary and practice it.

L.10 Maintaining good Mental and Physical health at work


Students will learn new topic-related vocabulary. This lesson also helps spread awareness about the effects of prolonged sitting and its solution. The activities facilitate the active use of the TL in controlled and less controlled activities. In the end, students will practice their fluency skills.

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L.11 Managing for Employee Retention

ESL Lesson plan on Employee Retention

Loyal employees understand a company’s stand and know how to get things done, and retaining the best employees is crucial to ensuring ongoing business success. This lesson focuses on the importance of employee retention.  In this lesson,  your Business English students will learn topic-related vocabulary and practice their reading and speaking skills.

L.12 Stopping Your Valued Employees from Leaving

Esl lesson plan about reducing employee retention ; stopping your employees from leaving

 Employee turnover directly impacts company revenue and profitability, as hiring new employees is much more expensive than retaining good ones. Your business English learners will enjoy this lesson because employee turnover is a common issue many businesses face. In this lesson, students will be presented with topic-related vocabulary and also get the chance to revise words from the previous lessons inadvertently. In addition, students will practice their speaking and reading skills. 

L.13 Saying Farewell to a Colleague

Giving a farewell speech

This lesson focuses on giving a farewell speech to a colleague that is leaving. Students will practice learn topic-related vocabulary and some phrases for giving a farewell speech. In the end, learners will write their own farewell speech for a co-worker. There are also discussion questions.

L.14 Body Language in Business Communication

Body Language in Business Communication

A considerable part of business communication occurs through non-verbal cues in conversations. Managers use body language to lead other employees and team members effectively. And team members in the business, whether they realize it or not, use nonverbal cues to communicate information to individuals outside the company. Your ESL learners will find this lesson useful because they will learn words related to non-verbal communication, define nonverbal communication, and discuss its functions and characteristics. There are tons of pictures used to support learning. This lesson is not only beneficial from a language perspective, but students can also benefit from learning about different types of non-verbal cues important to their day-to-day life.

L.15 Assessing Your Candidate's Non-verbal Communication (Interviews)

Body Language in Interviews

Non-verbal communication is one of the most significant factors that impact a hiring manager’s decision on whether or not to proceed with a candidate. This lesson focuses on body language in the interview room.  Learners will also get the chance to review synonyms in this lesson.

L.16 Describing Difficult Co-workers

The language presented in this material will enable student to effectively describe difficult co-workers. It allows students a lot of opportunities to practice and experiment with the language presented.

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L.17 Dealing with Difficult Co-workers 2

The goal of this lesson is to introduce new vocabulary that would enable your students to describe difficult co-workers. It further intensifies language covered in the earlier lesson and introduces new ones.

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L. 18 Online Meetings

The goal of this lesson is to introduce new vocabulary that would enable your students to talk about online meetings. It gives them plenty of interactive activities to practice with the language in order to reach fluency within 60 minutes. It also has homework attached to it.

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L. 19 Handling Difficult Virtual Co-workers

This lesson talks about difficult virtual co-workers. The lesson contains interactive activities that are sure to engage students. It also further intensifies the language covered in the earlier lesson.

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L. 20 Involving Participants in Meetings

Students will be presented with topic-related vocabulary and practice it. The activities presented in this lesson are carefully crafted to result in high Student Talk Time (STT).

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L.21 Unplanned Meetings

The goal of this lesson is to introduce new vocabulary that would enable your students to talk about unplanned meetings. The activities allow students a lot of opportunities to practice the target language, and the role-plays are structured to strengthen fluency.

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L.22 Handling Interruptions in Meetings

This lesson covers a common issue we all face in meetings – interruptions. The lesson presents relevant vocabulary and expressions followed by controlled and less controlled activities. The role plays at the end are structured to strengthen fluency.

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L.23 Dealing with Cultural Difference at Work

This 60-minute lesson focuses on cultural differences at work. It allows students a lot of opportunities to practice and experiment with the language presented.

  • $7.50
Business English lesson plan for online teaching
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